In occasione della COP28 (28a Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici), l'AIE ha aderito alla lettera aperta dei leader sanitari che chiedono al presidente della COP28 e a tutti i leader nazionali di portare la salute al centro della conferenza e di impegnarsi per eliminare i combustibili fossili.

COP28 Open Letter on fossil fuels from the Global Medical and Health Community

Background and key information

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) and European Lung Foundation (ELF) have produced a joint statement on the tight links between climate and health, to be sent to governments attending COP28 on 30 Nov–12 Dec. It has also been signed and endorsed by more than 60 other medical, public health and scientific societies, patient representative organisations and experts. COP28 is the United Nations’ annual climate change conference, that brings together world leaders, ministers and negotiators to agree on how to address climate change. Find below suggested comms items to support with the dissemination with this statement publicly, including social media content.

The statement can be found online here

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